Day 1 School Lunchbox
She woke up so early today and she woke up by herself. Got too excited to go to school I guess. Then she woke me up and said, she has to go to school. My baby is definitly growing up into a big girl!
So the part of the first day excitement was (of course) prepping the lunch box! Actually she went to school yesterday for an introduction. And I made her fave stir fry brocoli and eggs with rice but she said she needs her teacher to help her eat. So I decided to make this earlier today.
So the part of the first day excitement was (of course) prepping the lunch box! Actually she went to school yesterday for an introduction. And I made her fave stir fry brocoli and eggs with rice but she said she needs her teacher to help her eat. So I decided to make this earlier today.
Bola Nasi Bayam
Bawang putih
Garam Merica
Saus Tiram
1. Tumis bawang putih dengan mentega hingga harum. Tambahkan bayam yang telah dicuci bersih. Bumbui dengan garam, merica dan saus tiram, aduk rata sampai matang lalu angkat.
2. Blender bayam sebentar hingga agak hancur (nggak perlu sampai halus biar tetep dapet tekstur).
3. Panaskan mentega di wajan, masukkan lagi bayam yang telah dihaluskan, lalu masukkan nasi. Aduk rata lalu matikan api.
4. Bentuk bulat nasi lalu sisihkan.
Fillet Ayam Goreng Tepung
ayam fillet (bisa iris sendiri dari dada ayam)
garam, merica
1. Marinate ayam dengan garam dan merica.
2. Campur terigu dengan telur, garam, merica dan sedikit air sampai jadi adonan kental.
3. Celupkan ayam ke adonan lalu goreng hingga matang.
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